Shopping Fees

Fees and Services on Tanuki Shop
Fee for Yahoo Auctions 1000 JPY
Fee for Rakuten/Yahoo Shopping 500 JPY/ lot
* Additional services fees  
Packaging with Instapak foam filler (recommended for fragile items). Learn more 2000 JPY
Turntable handling (removing/fixing the table, fixing the tonearm, Instapak filler) 2000 JPY
Special requests (photos, weight change, reassembling, repacking etc.) 1000 JPY / 15 min. of work
Packing with individual customer requirements 2000 JPY
Mounting and removing the tire from the wheel 500 JPY/ tire


When and how the payment is made

Maximum bid

Final price

Blocking amount

Mandatory payments

Storage fees



Maximum period of storage

Approximate cost