HKS IS200 IS300 Rear Bumper SXE10 GXE10 body kit Aero parts ALTEZZA grand effect part Rear Spoiler

Auction ends: 06/20/2024 22:25 (Tokyo)
Auction start: 06/13/2024 22:25 (Tokyo)
Bids: 0 (Bid history)
Availability: 1 pcs
Leading Bidder:
Hidden Price: no
VAT Tax: 3%
Return Policy: Not possible
Item condition: New
Shipping in Japan: cash on delivery
Auction ID: x1121257416
Automatic Extension Enabled
Item location: 福岡県
Seller items: masakazu6333   ( See All Items )
Seller Rating: +2398 - 8

Current Price

( ¥74,000 not including tax )

Buyout Price

(~ $507 )
(¥77,000 not including tax)

Time left:




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HKS IS200,IS300 Rear Bumper

It's Producted by HKS and looks cool.
Made of FRP, the color is black and unpainted.
(This is a sample image of the installation)

※Please note that only the Rear bumper is sold.

Delivery takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks, so if you are in a hurry, please contact us in advance.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Shipping is only possible within Japan and will be prepaid by Fukuyama Transport.
(Since this is a large part, delivery will only be to corporations such as shops or courier offices.)

No claims and no returns please.
Please bid only if you can be contacted within 24 hours after the successful bid.


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